Professional sport teams

Federations, leagues, clubs

Let's make your athletes daily live more comfortable so you can focus on the major competitive issues. A well pampered team is also a more successful team on the pitch.

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Rugby Conversion takes care of your team

Be focusED on your team's sports performance

Strong in 4 languages, Rugby Conversion can be your team liaison officer in the best international sports competitions. 

Thus, he partners with Federations, Leagues or Clubs to make the athletes’ daily life more comfortable. The great strength of Rugby Conversion through « Sharky » experience and savoir-faire.

A confirmed experience around professional players as a team liaison officer but also a logistic manager of the Norwegian national rugby team. Great assets to know the life of a sports team and its performance. As examples, Patrice has already worked for UEFA, World Rugby, Rugby French federation, USA rugby.

Not only for rugby tournaments, this service is also available for all types of major sporting events.

Rugby Conversion in your teams

An added value in the organization of your international competitions

"Rugby" Values

Discipline, humility, sharing, team spirit: positive values of sport in general. This is probably even more true in Rugby

Taking care with success of all the communication parts related to your teams’ travels,
accommodations, and
trainings during international competitions

A well-managed organization in the moving of teams, contributes to their being solely focused on their sporting objectives

A wonderful human and sports experience


Free yourself from your organizational and logistical constraints